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When people look at us they should see something of the heart of Jesus Christ. Who even though he was GOD emptied himself  and took the form of a servant.

We are not called to be big or to mass market Jesus. We are not called to have nice buildings or good programs or a cool and hip youth group with contemporary worship. We are not called to have the coolest clothes or the newest games or the most expensive car or to go to the most expensive college

If we have all of that fine. If God blesses it fine..that’s good.

But we are not called to those things. What we are called to do is to love. And love is by definition sacrificial. It has got to grieve God to the core of his being when he sees the American Church, which is so caught up with other things. When we are supposed to be followers of the Lord who said in Luke 14:33 that if you do not give up all your posessions you cant be my disciples.

I don’t think that means we all have to be street people. Hear the heart of what Jesus is saying.

It does mean this: What we think we own we do not own.

Don’t HAVE any possessions. Don’t cling to them.

Everything that you have, that you earn, that belongs to you. All of your gifts, and aptitudes, and all your financial resources are there as instruments and tools to help us love. This is what it means to be called to be a dedicated, radical disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.
